

发布时间: 2024-05-17 15:55:46北京青年报社官方账号





Applicants can apply to the exit and entry administration departments at or above county-level, and the application procedures are the same as in Hong Kong and Macao, according to the national Exit and Entry Administration.


Arken Imirbaki, a vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, said that in the past year authorities at all levels had introduced rules to supplement the Law on Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the efforts had contributed greatly to the development of TCM and improvement of public health.


As China has offered a number of policies to spur consumer spending and offer more market access to global companies, P&G has expanded its innovation capacity in China and has been able to build its brands under an increasingly transparent regulatory environment, Pritchard said.


Arvea says one of the most successful sustainability projects globally in recent times has been the reforestation plan in the hilly Qianyanzhou region of Jiangxi province, East China. The region, which had faced severe soil erosion due to deforestation and unsustainable farming practices, is now a "green delight". Over the last 30 years, a series of government-backed land-use plans have promoted the sustainable use of land resources, leading to higher incomes, better biodiversity, and an improved microclimate, she said.


Archambault brings up the concept of “multimodal transportation,” which pieces together buses, bikesharing, carsharing, walking — and, yes, personal vehicles — in the most efficient way. A hypothetical employee could take a commuter shuttle to work, use a Zipcar or a Car2go for an afternoon meeting, walk to a restaurant for dinner, and take a Lyft or Uber home. On the day of a doctor appointment or evening plans, they may choose to drive.


